design finalization

Design Finalization

​​​​​​​From a concept to product design to manufacturing, the design process can be tricky, since the idea of a new product and what the current manufacturing techniques, methods and equipments of some chosen manufacturer(s) can actually achieve are two different things. 

After the initial product design is finished, it's important to talk to tooling engineer and manufacturing engineer to discuss the feasibility of the particular design in tooling manufacturing, mass product manufacturing and of course its cost factors.

For that reason, new product designs generally go through several design/prototype iterations before they are deemed ready for the next processes (tooling and mass manufacturing). That requires a lot of communication and prototyping work with customers, designers and manufacturing team especially when everyone involved is all the way across the globe and with different cultural perspectives and various understanding levels.

We bridge the gap between time zones, language and cultural differences, attention to detail, and understanding levels, and so on.

Once all the jobs are done, we can then say that the design is finalized.